Saturday 29 November 2008

If you have a club penguin ill meet you!

meet me at the dock every day at 5:pm on the server blizzard (if full then go on yukon.) comment ok if you can, and if you can't then say no name is rainbowlivy and if you see me then add me to be your friend!



badboy said...


famous1234 said...

hi its fran from school cool website iv got to here they are

famous1234 said...

hay i went online 2 meet u and u wernt there dont lisen it was on the 2nd of december i think i went online at 20 past 5 thow thats probaly y

stargirl said...

my website is

stargirl said...

i thought u didnt think cp was that good no more why dont we meet u on planet cazmo or whatever want its your blog!!!

famous1234 said...

no i havent got an acount on planet cazmo or cozmo or what ever u call it.dont.

famous1234 said...

i dont want 2 eny more

stargirl said...

weel k but why don't u make 1 trust me even badboy says this it's kool!!!!!!

stargirl said...

ok better than cp though im a brown belt!!!!!:) WOO HOO!!!!!!

stargirl said...

fine but take my advice make 1

badboy said...

yo this is me badboy and this is my blog comment it and i will give you a planet cazmo and it will have 10,000 cazmo coins and i will get you the ninja and snow suit.if you comment the most then tell me ur account and i swear i dont hack.


badboy said...

ok so mimo might be comin on my blog!!!